
          Decertifying the 2020 Election is not about throwing Biden-Harris out of office. It is about election integrity and down ballot candidates. The American Patriots were ripped-off by the radical uber left Democrats and RINOs. The patriotic election integrity volunteer citizen groups want their state Electors, where there is a preponderance of hard evidence of voting fraud, DECERTIFIED. Upon decertification, they call for a full forensic state audit of the 2020 Election. Their goal is truth and transparency in all elections, local, state, and federal. The most volunteer citizen voter integrity activity is in the following states.

1.    Colorado

2.    Wisconsin

3.    Michigan

4.    Pennsylvania

5.    Georgia

6.    Maine

7.    Nevada

8.    Arizona

          The solution is simple, Action NOT Talk!  If the citizens in the above states actively demonstrate, state legislators will act accordingly. Just think if the citizens in those states behaved bravely like the Canadian truckers, how fast things could change for the better. Have a million truckers, farmers, and citizens surround each state capitol building and see how fast the state legislators act to serve ‘We the People.’ If you stay at home in your barcalounger recliner watching CNN and Fox News, the only thing you will get is sores on your Buttkus and irrelevant elections going forward. You lose the vote! It’s your choice to choose.


abe Lincoln

